Restricting CmdExec Rights to Sysadmin
Check Description
This check ensures that CmdExec rights are restricted to Sysadmin only. All
other accounts that have CmdExec rights are listed on the security report.
Microsoft® SQL Server™ Agent is a service available on Microsoft Windows® Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT® that executes jobs, monitors SQL Server, and sends alerts. With SQL Server Agent, you can automate certain administrative tasks by using scripted job steps. A job
is a specified series of operations performed sequentially by SQL Server Agent. A job can perform a wide range of activities, including running Transact-SQL scripts, command-line applications, and Microsoft ActiveX® scripts. Jobs can be created to run tasks that are often repeated or scheduled, and they can automatically notify users of job status by generating alerts.
- You must start the SQL Server Agent service before your local or multiserver administrative tasks can run automatically. SQL Server Agent is also supported on the Windows 98 operating system, but SQL Server Agent cannot be used with Windows Authentication when you run it on Windows 98.
Additional Information
SQL Server Agent Properties
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